Sunday, November 22, 2009

11/22: The World's Best Dad

When I got home from book group the other night Russ told me he had a confession to make. He had let the little kids stay up until after 9pm, he said.

They've been reading "Where the Red Fern Grows" together every night before bed. He said that as soon as he started the reading that night he knew they would have to go ahead and finish the whole book — there just was no stopping point before the end.

And then he told me of reading the heart-breaking ending of the story, that all of the little kids were crying, and that he was crying so much that he went through three tissues and had a hard time actually reading out loud, and how he snuggled with them and kept on reading until the end.

Sometimes staying up way past bedtime is the absolutely right thing to do.

I sure picked well for my lucky kids, didn't I!


  1. What a sweet dad!! You definitely chose well! {Of course, I've always thought so. Russ set a pretty high standard -- luckily for me, Bryan has lived up to the 'Russ-ness' requirement. =)}

  2. It's so true! Megan had that on her y/w list of husband attributes! Whomever she married had to have "russ-ness!" I remember that characteristic, specifically! :O) You did choose well! And you had good taste in babysitters too! :O) J/K!

  3. Megan--it gives me no end of happiness to know that you got "russ-ness"! And Bethany--I had the very best taste in babysitters!!


  4. So sweet! My dad and brothers have a similar memory of reading Where the Red Fern Grows...what a tear-jerker!
