Monday, April 19, 2010

The Selling Point

I'm sure you remember that last year Russ made these terrific caterpillar cages for all three little kids.  The only thing they lack, is, well, a lid.

So when Jenna brought home a caterpillar from the ward cookout on Saturday evening and left it overnight in the caterpillar cage with no lid, it was gone by morning.  Last night Jenna brought home a caterpillar from Abby's house (where we were treated to a delicious dinner) and left it uncovered overnight on the deck.  Apparently it is also gone this morning, because I just heard this conversation outside my bedroom door.

Rachel: I think we need a cage like Abby has for her caterpillars.  [Abby has a terrarium.]

Jenna: But Rachel, Dad's cages have a built in climbing wall.  And what caterpillar wouldn't want a built in climbing wall???

That indeed is a question for the ages...