Tuesday, April 27, 2010

A Few More Pics From Spring Break

I found a few more good pictures from Spring Break that I wanted to share.

First, our really cool kite that was almost as big as the kids.  It was dive-bombing a lot because it was so windy so this was the final solution on how to have fun flying it.

Spring Break 2010 550 

Our other new kite is pretty cool too.  Costco had these kites before Christmas, and I felt pretty dumb buying them then.  But they’re awesome now!

Spring Break 2010 327

Next, how Rachel and Jenna responded when they realized that we were rowing straight towards an alligator.

Spring Break 2010 914

Here’s a picture of the car that the boys wished they were in instead of a mini-van.  (Sorry it’s not the greatest picture, but even the purse cam has it’s limits!)

Spring Break 2010 120

And last of all, an exit sign for you.  When I figured out how to pronounce this name, I just about laughed out loud…

Spring Break 2010 103


  1. Oh my gosh- that fish kite is SO COOL!

  2. Those kites are great. I hope you bring them in June/july. And is that "utahville?"

  3. Laila, of course we're bringing the kites! And yes, I do think that must be how it's pronounced. Which made me laugh...
