Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Little Kid Scripture Reading Update

Well Russ & I re-evaluated at the end of last week and have changed the kids' scripture reading plan. Instead of reading 5 pages a day, we're now reading 2-3. It's still taking us 40 minutes, which I think is still a very long time for 9 year olds to sit still and listen. When we were reading 5 pages, though, I could tell that by the halfway point they had reached saturation and weren't hearing anything anymore. Hopefully they will still feel a part of the Bishop's challenge, but it will be a better experience for them this way.

I can tell they're listening better now that we've cut down on the amount of reading. I can't decide if it's a good thing or not to let them play quietly while it's someone else's turn to read. Rachel's definition of quiet seems to differ quite a bit from mine...

I continue to love the easy reader version. Today Rachel jumped for joy when we read that the wives had babies. She was that excited. Jenna was in the bathroom at that particular moment, and when she rejoined us Rachel told her excitedly, "Jenna, the wives had babies!"

Then they waited anxiously to hear the names, and were disappointed when it became obvious that the names aren't mentioned.

Jared suggested that the babies be named Nephi Jr., Sam Jr., Laman Jr., etc. The girls thought those were great names. They thought the baby girls could be named Nephina, Samita, and my personal fave, Lamianne.


  1. How on earth did they come up with Lamianne??? I am laughing out loud over here, for real!

  2. Those names are awesome! I'm glad scripture time is improving for them {& you}. =)

  3. I'm glad you found a system that works. We read the Book of Mormon as a family last year and started D&C this year. We decided to keep with our course, but now I'm feeling guilty because the Bishop mentioned it again in primary and the primary presidency is offering a reward for finishing. I think 5 pages is a lot for Abby to sit through, even 2 or 3 is rough. So, I don't know what to do.

    Sorry that was long. Can you tell we need to talk?!?

  4. CL--I have no idea where Lamianne came from, except that they were experimenting with the existing names, getting a little bolder each time.

    Megan--me too!

    Amy--Eric was feeling guilty about not doing the reading w/ their kids and talked to the bishop about it. He said that the reading was meant to be for people who were able to do it on their own more than for younger children. I'm not sure how I feel about the primary reward thing...

  5. I think the reward is a good idea depending n the award. A tiny piece of chocolate and a certificate saying "I took the Bishops Challenge and did my Best" sounds great. A Wii system with Liken the scriptures video games not cool.

    (Though the part where you get to play Ammon and disarm people - totally cool.)

    I took your bishop's challenge as well and am now trudging through the Book of Mormon (along with Order of the Phoenix and New Moon. I got to tell you those three books in one evening is quite the mix.)

  6. I LOVE it- your kids are so entertaining! Lamianne reminds me of Renesme- only it's a way better name:)
