Saturday, September 12, 2009

Haute Playground Couture

I am freely willing to admit that I am not fashion forward. In fact, I am more than a little fashion backward.

Jenna, on the other hand, has a style all her own.


  1. Abby has a style her own too, her fashion is limited to her bedroom. I'm not nice!

  2. LOL!!! So did you let her wear that all day?

  3. That is so how Hannah is. I must say her brimming self-confidence did not come from me!

  4. Amy & CL--I am not sure if I'm that nice either. When Jason brought her to me at the park on Friday that was how she was dressed. The socks happened after I left for lunch. On the other hand I thought the socks were so fantastic I probably would have let her wear them. But not to somewhere where she would have been teased about them, which probably leaves out public school.

    Megan--don't you wish there was a way to preserve it?!?
