Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Funeral Plans

(a combination of text and in-the-car conversations on the way to Utah for Grandma’s funeral.)

Me: I’m really tired today, I stayed up late fixing Rachel’s black skirt for the funeral.

Josh: No black at my funeral.  I want people to wear Hawaiian shirts or colored shirts.  And colored pants.

Josh: Also I don’t want a viewing at my funeral.  I think it is a sweet idea but very weird.

Me: Dad says he wants formal wear.  Tuxes.  Or a Mardi Gras celebration.

Josh: I don’t think you want to mix Mardi Gras with a Mormon funeral.

Me: Dad was just being silly.  He says that he would really want beach clothes, at the beach on beach chairs watching the waves. 

Rachel: Why does everyone in my family want a weird burial??

Jenna: When mom dies dad is going to make a diamond out of her body and wear her.

Jared: that is really strange to wear your dead loved one around.

Josh: A beach funeral would be pretty neat!  And the diamond thing is both weird and cool lol.


PS—for anyone who is interested here is the music for my funeral: Redeemer of Israel, Angels We Have Heard on High, and All Creatures of Our God and King.  No deviation allowed!


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