Miles traveled: 203 Total miles: 1597
We had a nice relaxing Sunday with Jeremy & Maria. We slept in a little, went to sacrament meeting, came home and played games and then I had a nap. After a wonderful dinner we played another new game called 7 Wonders that was also very fun. All the while Jeremy tried to persuade me that we should stay and play games with them longer. He was very tempting, and if our place in San Antonio hadn’t already been paid for we might have. If we’d been able to see into the future we might have stayed…how’s that for some serious foreshadowing??
While I was at Jeremy’s I printed out the next set of maps & info for my trip. It occurred to me that this was evidence of how much I am flying by the seat of my pants on this trip compared to normal. The normal me loves to plan trips, and usually has all of the details figured out weeks, if not months, in advance. This me, the really busy-working on the house all the time-moving me, was doing good to have enough info together to get to Jeremy’s house in Texas where I could print more.
More proof of my lack of preparedness. Our church clothes. The girls didn’t think to keep out church shoes (and I didn’t remind them) so they got packed by the movers. Somehow the tshirt Jenna gave me to go with her jumper never made it into the travel clothes. And I packed a black skirt and navy shoes for myself. Were my eyes even open, I’m wondering??
Still more proof. I am travelling without earrings. I almost never go anywhere without earrings!
A couple of random things about Sunday. Jeremy & Maria’s darling 3 year old daughter Addy took a liking to Jared. During church she decided that she wanted to sit on his lap. I wish I had a picture of the panicked expression on Jared’s face. She also wanted him to play hide-n-seek and build block castles with her later. At some point during the afternoon I got a text from him (from his itouch) that said something like
Mom, did I want to play all of the time like this when I was little? If so I am sorry!
Rachel and Jenna were good sports and played a lot of hide-n-seek with Addy too. I spent most of my time holding chubby cheeked Barrett, who reminds me totally of Jeremy when he was a baby.
Here we are all together before we left. True and terrible story: I was in a hurry to leave; we’d already stayed longer to play the new game and I knew we had about 3.5 hours of driving in front of us. We’d taken one picture and Addy had climbed up on the back of the couch and tumbled right off and was pinned between the wall and the couch. She had also scraped her back on the window sill on the way down. But we needed to leave so we just took the picture with her still crying…I hope I can make that up to her some day!
LOL!!! I hope you told Jared that he was the WORST in terms of wanting to play all the time! ;)