Thursday, August 5, 2010

How Was YOUR Day?

Because the forecast called for 100 degrees with 100% humidity and heat advisory warnings, we did the only thing we could with our day.

We worked in the yard all day.

The kids were so excited.

Rachel and Jenna pulled weeds.  They love doing that, especially when they meet spiders and other creepy crawlies.

August 2010 322

Jared weed whacked for 4 hours.  In his pajamas.  I’m not quite sure why he thought that was a good idea.  Now the things are toxic!

August 2010 324

Jason worked on his current favorite job; painting the house.  He was having so much fun working that he started at 6am and didn’t stop until the storm rolled in this afternoon at 4pm.

August 2010 323 

Josh helped with the taping and then mowed the lawn, but refused to have his picture taken.  So you’ll have to imagine what he looked like.

I weeded, pulled out old sunflower plants, planted some tomato plants that I got for free last weekend, and did a whole bunch of other yard stuff.  By the time I was done I had been working in the yard for 5 hours and my clothes were completely soaked with sweat and covered with dirt and grass.

I considered burning them.

August 2010 325 (I hope you are so impressed that I posted that picture of myself!!)

Now we are listening to the thunder and rain, happy that we got all of that yard work done.  I think we will sleep well tonight!


PS—We did go spend a lovely hour at the pool this afternoon, and it felt FABULOUS!


  1. Wow! You all certainly earned a well-deserved rest. I thought for sure you were going to say you spent the day at the pool. =) Please tell me, at least, that ice cream or popsicles or some other icy treat were included in your day! =)

  2. Your home is beautiful! I love getting to see the exterior. And like I say, who needs hired help -- just have more kids!

  3. Nc or sc? Mom, meg, and Mamie are on their way to Myrtle. Call them if you are headed!
