Monday, February 15, 2010

My Bowl is Too Small

I've been doing quite a bit of cooking and baking lately, and I've noticed a trend.

I noticed it Saturday night when I was mashing potatoes to feed the missionaries. As I ran the mixer around the bowl I tried to avoid the little bits of potato that were being spit out by the beaters. When I made a second batch I used a different bowl, but it was still messy.

I noticed it again this afternoon as I was making a treat for family night dessert. I put my crushed oreos into a bowl and started mixing some caramel sauce into the crumbs. but I could see quickly that, once again, I had picked a bowl that was too small for the amount of mixing that needed to happen. After a moment I gave up and poured everything into a bigger bowl.

I realized as I was looking for a bigger bowl that this is really an apt metaphor for my life. I am constantly putting more in the bowl than will fit, and the results are often messy. Unfortunately in my life I don't have the option of switching to a bigger bowl. I guess I've either got to stop putting so much in the bowl, or deal better with the resulting mess....


  1. Great analogy! I often have that same problem, too -- in both senses. =)

  2. Love the thought of you dodging flying potato chunks:). Were you making Lindsay's icecream cake invention?

  3. Good must be a woman thing...:) that's funny. I do the same thing with my bowls all the it'll make my job easier or something..if it's small. Small equals manageable? haha. The treat looks yummy!

  4. Katie--yes, I was. But the crust was too hard to cut!! Mindy--definitely was!
