Wednesday, October 1, 2008

The Restorative Power of a Nap

Had the nap been immediately preceeded by the screaming meltdown that was Lego playtime, this picture probably would not have happened. Fortunately for all, I relented and decided to let them have lunch before they went to sleep. And, because I was tired, I agreed that they could make their own eggs for lunch.

The novelty of this endeavor cleared the air and established harmony again, and after eggs were done it was agreed upon that Jared's bed was the best spot for a nap. I'm not sure that they ever did go to sleep. I think that they probably weren't asleep when I took this picture--at least the child under the blanket has confessed to being awake then. But whatever the sleep status, about an hour later happy play sounds started drifting down the stairs. And that's what I was really after...


  1. That is pretty hilarious... I noticed that they haven't napped that well lately. Glad it could restore some order though!

  2. By the way can I just tell you how much being in a grammar class has taken over my brain??? I can't even post a stupid blog comment without editing my words and thinking, "Ahh, I need to go back and put a comma in 'restore some order, though'...!!!"

  3. By the way. I just wanted one and all to notice: I am now distinguishable from my mom!

  4. lol--very funny! (And I'm sure it will be appreciated...)

  5. I will just say that naps are a VERY GOOD THING. You would not believe how good. ;)
